What is the Service Mesh?

Recently you may have heard the term ‘service mesh’ crop up more frequently around containers and Kubernetes – this isn’t because it’s a brand-new technology, but rather because Google & IBM backed the release of Istio version 1.0 in July 2018. I’m Garreth Davies, a cloud consultant at Mobilise Cloud, and I have a keen […]

The Essential Guide to Cloud Security Measures in 2019

cloud security

Written by Andrew Neale 2019 will be in no doubt another big year for the cloud, with the vail of the cloud being something big and scary finally lifting, more enterprises and customers will start to embrace the cloud. From putting new systems in the cloud, lifting and shifting their systems fully to the cloud […]

The Top Tech Christmas Gifts from the Last 10 Years.

The nights grow colder and the beverages we drink have gotten warmer, as we gather with our families and closest friends, we are reminded that the festive season is upon us… Christmas time is here once more. Now is the time of year where we collectively ‘splash out’ on gifts and food. Working out what […]

How to build a simple Serverless App to Send a Text Message

By Phil Reynolds The Summoner allows you to summon anyone to your location via text message. However at its core it leverages several AWS services to send a text message from a website. The Summoner was built as a learning exercise, and while building it I found that there were no basic guides on how […]

Kubernetes: Our Favourite Features and How to Use Them.

by Zac Sarion Kubernetes is currently one of the hottest technologies to hit the IT landscape today. Every forum you search and even on video streaming sites like YouTube, you see tons of tutorials that are practically weeks old. But what in the world is it? And how does it really tie into the System […]

Certified Kubernetes Administrator: What you Need to Pass the Exam.

Update 05/2021: A new blog detailing the most recent 2021 exam is available here. Until recently, there was no official accreditation that engineers could receive for becoming competent with the Kubernetes platform. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) recently established a certification program (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) to help develop the Kubernetes ecosystem and it is […]

The Do’s and Don’ts of Designing Voice User Interfaces

voice interface design

Speech is a pivotal and important part of the way humans interact with each other. From the tone of voice to the words we choose to use; voice is pivotal when having a ‘human’ experience. This also applies to AI Voice. We’ve all been there: on the phone, talking to an AI that has been […]


KUBECON AND CLOUDNATIVECON || COPENHAGEN, EUROPE 2018, MAY 2ND – 4TH. – BY JEFF OWENS Before I begin summarising my experience of KubeCon & CloudNativeCon Europe 2018, I’d like to take the opportunity to briefly introduce myself. My name is Jeff Owens and I started working for Mobilise Cloud just over 5 months ago. Prior […]