CI/CD Tooling, Which is best for you?


Here at Mobilise, we have had the opportunity to work with many different CI/CD tools over the years. From client engagements to our own internal tooling. If you have just started your DevOps journey or are looking to move to a new CI/CD tool or even maybe decided to embrace GitOps as your new strategy. […]

Is DevOps for us?

I’m sure many people new to the industry will be asking themselves; what is DevOps and do I need it?  These are good questions, because at the end of the day the main goal for digital businesses is to deliver their services.  So why concentrate on anything else that isn’t writing code and getting your […]

Threat Modelling in a DevSecOps world

Recently on a Mobilise webinar for Building DevSecOps into your Pipelines I got asked the question ‘Can you still do threat modelling? (When using DevSecOps principals)’. Which was an interesting question where I could only give the quick answer. The answer was yes, but via the medium of blogging we can expand that further. So […]

Kubernetes Managed Services Comparison

Edit 06/03/2020: Updated to include new GKE pricing. As Kubernetes popularity has grown, more businesses have based their platform on the technology leading to Public Cloud vendors creating their own managed service offerings.  Last week Amazon announced they have reduced their Elastic Kubernetes Service by 50% to $0.1 per hour.  We thought it would be […]

What is Kubernetes

This post will cover the details highlighted in our Kubernetes 101 webinar. Its main focus was on the key components of modern cloud infrastructure and technologies. It will cover containers, Docker and Kubernetes. With the incredible impact that these have had and will continue to have on the industry, it is important that we share […]

Cloud Security 2019: The review and 2020 trends

Last year I wrote a blog on what security measures you should take for the cloud in 2019. Now I’m here to review if I am a CloudSec soothsayer, or if I was wide of the mark. Let’s see how I did! The Security Measures 2019 Review Don’t Presume the CSP will take full care […]

15 Kubernetes security best practice to secure your cluster

Introduction to Kubernetes Kubernetes is now the de facto container orchestration platform deployed by businesses across the globe. In its short existence it has had incredible growth, being released in 2015 it is now the second-highest project on GitHub – second only to Linux. The huge community of support includes 1.2 million comments, 164,000 commits, […]

AWS Transit Gateways

AWS Transit Gateways

Amazon Web Services continually improve and provide new services, with the AWS Transit Gateway service being introduced in November 2018 to allow customers to have a single gateway to connect multiple VPCs together. The benefits of using Transit Gateways are reduced administrative overhead and ease of troubleshooting, leading to improvements in the ability to scale […]

Mobilise Cloud launches new business to help government and enterprise digital transformation

Swansea-based tech company Mobilise Cloud has launched a new business that addresses market needs within organisations running digital transformation projects. SWANSEA, WALES | Mobilise Cloud, a Swansea-headquartered technology company specialising in cloud-based services, today announces that it is launching a new business called Mobilise Digital set to enable enterprise organisations and government departments to implement […]

Kubernetes 1.16 – Unlimited Breadsticks for all!

Kubernetes 1.16 was released on 19th September and includes a raft of new features as well as some very important deprecation changes. Off the back of the CNCFs Security Audit there is a raft of security improvements closing 4 CVE’s and improving items like TLS between services and the security poster from escalating privileges. Enhancements […]

Enterprise and public sector trust Mobilise to securely transform their tech, teams and how they do business.

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