Azure to AWS VPN with Dynamic Routing
Which cloud provider do you use? Many companies today choose multiple providers due to the strengths they are after to meet either security requirements or ease of integration. When it comes to basic networking, all cloud providers come with their own unique ways of addressing availability, whether it’s through availability zones with AWS, or geo-redundancy […]
Alternatives to Docker Container
Docker containers have been on the frontline of application and software development and rapid deployment for a while. We have used it on Amazon Web Services (AWS) for all sorts of Kubernetes environments. As a platform, Docker provides OS-level virtualisation to deliver software in packages, which we know as containers. Docker Hub comes with a […]
Deploy Docker Container to AWS: A Straightforward Guide
Now that you’re done with the development phase, are you ready to Deploy your Docker Container to AWS? This post will walk you through the process of creating a cloud-based framework that allows you to build and successfully deploy applications without much hassle. It will help you understand the code involved when deploying a container […]
Virtual Machines vs Containers
VMs vs Containers! Many IT departments worldwide have been scratching their heads over the best method to use their tech stack to reduce costs and improve their data storage efficiency. This has been made possible using virtual machines and containers. These are two products that work in a similar way to maximise efficiency based on […]
Docker CE vs EE
Wondering which to go with, Docker CE vs EE? With Docker’s increasing popularity, they have moved to specialise their products for different users. Like many other companies in the space, they are looking to offer their main clientele premium services. In doing so, they have created what is known as Docker Enterprise Edition (EE). This […]
Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm
In this article, We will be comparing Kubernetes vs Docker. We shall break down the difference between Docker and what is known as Docker Swarm. Docker is one of the main platforms software developers use to develop, ship, and run different applications. Docker Swarm is an extension of Docker. It takes the infrastructure and breaks […]
AWS Data Transfer Costs
Amazon’s AWS is an extensive provider of various Cloud services. To run such a well-oiled function, they have designed a way of charging their customers that matches their operations’ complexity. They have not offered clients one general fee to use their services but rather have broken it down based on their platform’s different actions. You […]
AWS Elastic IP Pricing
In this article, we will be discussing the basics of what an Elastic IP is and how it is priced on Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is a growing innovative feature that many businesses are taking advantage of to protect themselves against any fluctuations in the infrastructure provided by heavy usage. An elastic IP address […]
Amazon Connect Gets Some re:Invent Love
It’s that time of year again, when Amazon Web Services put on their huge conference, AWS re:Invent and deliver updates on their latest services. This year however is a little different – with the global pandemic, Amazon have been forced to put the conference online. With remote working now becoming a necessity through the global […]
Can you run Enterprise Grade workloads for under $100 a month?
With the recent pandemic and a global recession in our midst affecting all kinds of markets, businesses are looking for ways to save money and remain competitive. At Mobilise we have been asked by customers to find new innovative ways to save costs on digital services whilst still delivering at an ever-increasing pace. But does […]