11 Aws Migration Challenges for Customers and How to Resolve Them

Migrating from legacy platforms to AWS will often come with its challenges. If the migration process is handled well, the likelihood is that most of these issues will not be performance-related. This article will explore some of the most common AWS migration challenges and potential solutions related to business goals.  How much to change AWS […]

AWS Control Tower: Helping you with your 5+ account strategy

AWS Control Tower You have started your cloud journey with AWS and are now moving beyond the proof of concept to begin testing the waters. It’s now time to go full-scale and rollout AWS to multiple teams across your organisation. You know you will need several accounts per team as everyone is using a dev, […]

AWS App Runner Gets a Killer Feature!

Back in May 2021, we published a blog on the benefits and drawbacks on AWS new container managed service, App Runner. Since then there have been incremental features to improve the service, but on 9th Feb 2022 – AWS released a feature that the community had been crying out for… Support for Amazon VPC Now […]

Log4J2 Vulnerability

A new exploit has been discovered in Log4j (version 2.0 or higher) that could have wide-scale implications and has already been detected in use in the wild, why is this important and so serious? Well, Log4j is an open-source Java logging library that is very widely used across applications and in multiple services as a […]

Amazon Textract

At Mobilise Cloud, we’re always trying to help our customers leverage cloud services to improve their digital services and drive value into their business processes. Sometimes, this requires us to demonstrate the art of the possible to get our customers thinking about where they could utilise cloud services and tooling within their business. Often this […]

AWS Fault Injection Simulator

With the recent release of some additional features and availability of AWS Fault Injection Simulator in more regions we thought it would be good to cover off this awesome new AWS feature. What’s the problem with my AWS Architecture? AWS provide the tools, patterns and services needed to build highly available, performant and resilient systems […]

Data Lakes and Elasticsearch

So, you have set up your new application and all the infrastructure that supports it; maybe you have done it the old fashioned way and purchased some servers and network equipment or set it up in the cloud (AWS, Azure or GCP). However, you have deployed the application at will, along with the infrastructure and […]

Effective DevOps Tools & How They work for you

DevOps is exciting. It’s an approach for IT organisations that starts with the idea that people should work together to create, share, and deploy software. It has become a hot topic within IT circles. Many organisations are still struggling to get started. It’s not always easy to get started with DevOps, but it’s a great […]

DevSecOps vs DevOps | Where Security and Automation Combine

DevOps is a methodology, a set of core values and practices that you can use to change the way development teams work. DevOps has been adopted in several industries, including enterprise IT, cloud computing, and mobile development. The two terms (DevSecOps and DevOps) are often used interchangeably or as synonyms of each other. The evolution […]

CI/CD Pipeline: What You Should Know

What is a CI/CD process? Sometimes called continuous integration and continuous delivery in the industry, or CI/CD in short. In this article, we will explain what a CI/CD pipeline is, how it works and why it is crucial.  The term ‘continuous delivery’ refers to the practice of deploying new versions of products continuously throughout development cycles. […]

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