Transformative Cloud Modernisation: The Home Office's Journey to a Secure and Dynamic Digital Infrastructure


Home Office

The Home Office's cloud modernisation program

Was a major initiative aimed at transforming its digital infrastructure to better support its dynamic and diverse workload while maintaining the highest levels of security. As one of the largest players in central government, the Home Office required a solution that could meet its demanding requirements.

Mobilise was engaged to help the Home Office achieve its modernisation goals. The company provided a comprehensive range of services, including advisory services, full-scale infrastructure builds, and ongoing support and maintenance. This end-to-end solution enabled the Home Office to confidently navigate the complexities of cloud modernisation, ensuring the successful implementation of its program.

“If you migrate to the cloud, you’ve got to take your employees with you on that journey. It’s vital that you take a proactive and ongoing approach towards training your employees” – James Carnie, Co-founder & CTO

Throughout the modernisation process

Mobilise worked closely with the Home Office to understand its specific needs and requirements. This collaboration allowed for the design and implementation of a customised solution that met the Home Office's unique needs and addressed its specific challenges, utilising industry leading services like AWS EC2, CI/CD Pipeline Tooling, and VPC.

The result of the cloud modernisation program was a secure and dynamic digital infrastructure that could keep pace with the Home Office's changing workload. The improved infrastructure enabled the Home Office to improve its operational efficiency, better serve its stakeholders, and support its long-term goals and objectives.

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