Moving to the cloud? Common questions & answers for ISVs

Perhaps your business has been planning to migrate to the cloud for years, and it’s finally time to take the leap. Or maybe you’re half way there and want to take the final step.

Either way, you’re likely to have questions. So here are some common questions and answers for ISVs.

If you want to find out more about how Mobilise can help ISVs like yours, then visit our dedicated ISV hub.

Is the cloud a viable solution for my ISV?

While no two businesses are quite the same, the cloud can work for any ISV. There are viable solutions that can work for your particular application and business needs, whether that’s to help you deploy faster, reduce total operational costs (TOC) or scale your business. It may even be a combination of these reasons.

By fully embracing the cloud, you can keep your competitive edge and ensure your company is truly future-proofed – taking your customers on the journey with you too.

What happens with my application updates on the cloud?

Cloud-based services can enable ISV companies to instantly update and refine existing products.

And if they choose, customers can keep their old version of an application and still use it at full functionality. But migrating your customers to the cloud can support them in so many ways, from enhanced experiences to new innovations.

Can I connect it to my existing on-premises infrastructure?

Yes, you can keep your infrastructure on-premises and slowly migrate, by using a cloud that runs traditional and cloud-native apps at the same time.

Audit the systems you want to migrate and make sure you choose a hosting service that can maintain your apps’ functionality.

Do I need to worry about security?

The cloud offers improved security features in comparison to traditional platforms.

Yet while cloud providers have strict security frameworks in place, you still need to take some responsibility for security risks. When migrating to the cloud, you must appreciate the complexity involved and understand what capabilities and skills you have within your business. Everyone in your team needs to come on the journey, and be informed about security.

There’s a lot to consider. By working with a specialist cloud consultancy like Mobilise, we can help you take control and support a secure shift to cloud.

Should I build my own cloud?

Building your own cloud requires a substantial investment in infrastructure and new capabilities.

This could be an option if your software business has the scale to build a cloud in a cost-efficient way, as well as the skills to maintain the infrastructure.

However, most ISVs would be better outsourcing to a partner who can provide the right expertise on cloud strategy, technical services and enablement, to take the strain and scale with you as you grow.

Does my team have the right skills?

Migrating to the cloud can affect your entire operations. So one of the biggest challenges for companies is to ensure they take their employees with them on their cloud journey.

In particular, however skilled they may be, you need to question whether your development team has the skills to work effectively in a cloud environment. You may need to provide additional training or consider expanding your team.

At Mobilise, we’re experienced in communicating the change and gaining buy-in at all levels of an organisation, and enabling customer teams and training them to ensure they can participate fully in the technology change required.

Do I need a managed service provider?

The process of migrating to the cloud is challenging, even for experienced software developers. As are subsequent tasks including security, configuration, and optimization.

A provider like Mobilise can ensure your migration to the cloud is a success, at every stage from strategy through to design, delivery, and organisational and operational change.

And crucially, we can do this at pace. Without a managed service provider, organisations may start the migration process, but then get bogged down and need an external provider to speed things up.

Why should I work with Mobilise?

We help ISVs ensure their migration to the cloud is a success from strategy through to design, delivery, and organisational and operational change.

We have a wealth of experience in gaining best value from IT infrastructure provision and have partnered with the leading cloud providers including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and GCP (Google Cloud Platform). This is to ensure a range of industry leading options are available to replace IT infrastructure with the ‘right cloud’ service, and to deliver ongoing IT transformation through cloud native services at pace.

If you think now is the time for your business to move on from legacy tech and simplify your operations, then remember that with Mobilise, migration is made easy.

Visit our dedicated hub for ISVs  to find out more about how we can help. Or if you’re ready to start discussing your ISV’s cloud transformation, then get in touch by calling 0345 054 2560 or contacting us at